#if 0 //Chapter 10 Exercise 10.24 //此程序在dos下输入test.exe exfile.txt //exfile.txt 中存放的是排除集单词 #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ifstream& open_file(ifstream& in, const string& file) { in.close(); in.clear(); in.open(file.c_str());//由于历史原因呢,IO标准库使用的C风格字符串而不是C++string类型的字符串作为文件名 return in; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { throw runtime_error("input error"); } ifstream excludedfile; if (!open_file(excludedfile, argv[1])) { throw runtime_error("no input file"); } set<string> excluded; string excluded_word; while (excludedfile >> excluded_word) { excluded.insert(excluded_word); } string word; while(cin >> word) { if (excluded.count(word) || *(word.end() - 1) != 's') { cout << word << endl; } else { word.resize(word.size() - 1); cout << word << endl; } } } #endif #if 0 //Chapter 10 Exercise 10.25 #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <set> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { vector<string> books; set<string> readedbooks; cout << "Enter the books you want to read(Ctrl + z to end)" << endl; string name; while (getline(cin, name))//一行一个书名 { books.push_back(name); } cin.clear(); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); bool timeOver = false; string answer, bookname; while (!timeOver && !books.empty()) { cout << "Would you like to read a book? (Yes/No)" << endl; cin >> answer; if (answer[0] == 'Y' || answer[0] == 'y') { int i = rand() % books.size(); bookname = books[i]; cout << "You can read this book:\t" << bookname << endl; books.erase(books.begin() + i); readedbooks.insert(bookname); cout << "Did you read it?(Yes/No)" << endl; cin >> answer; if (answer[0] == 'N' || answer[0] == 'n') { readedbooks.erase(bookname); books.push_back(bookname); } } cout << "Time over?(Yes/No)" << endl; cin >> answer; if (answer[0] == 'Y' || answer[0] == 'y') { timeOver = true; } } if (timeOver) { cout << "books read: " << endl; for (set<string>::iterator iter = readedbooks.begin(); iter != readedbooks.end(); ++iter) { cout << *iter << endl; } cout << "books not read: " << endl; for (vector<string>::iterator iter = books.begin(); iter != books.end(); ++iter) { cout << *iter << endl; } } if (books.empty()) { cout << "Congratulations! You have read all these books." << endl; } system("pause"); return 0; } #endif #if 0 //Chapter 10 Exercise 10.26 #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { multimap<string, string> author; string name, book; do { cout << "Enter author's name(Ctrl + z to end)" << endl; cin >> name; if (!cin) { break; } cout << "Enter author's works(Ctrl + z to end)" << endl; while(cin >> book) { author.insert(make_pair(name, book)); } cin.clear(); } while (cin); cin.clear(); cout << "Enter the author you want to erase: " << endl; string searchauthor; cin >> searchauthor; multimap<string, string>::iterator iter = author.find(searchauthor); if (iter != author.end()) { author.erase(searchauthor); } else cout << "Can not find this author" << endl; cout << "author\t\tbook:" << endl; for (iter = author.begin(); iter != author.end(); ++iter) { cout << iter->first << "\t\t" << iter->second << endl; } return 0; } #endif
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