现在要实作一个泛化仿函数,泛化仿函数是将“请求(函数)封装起来”,存储与对象之中,该对象是具有“value语义”的,因此它支持拷贝,赋值和作为函数参数来传值(pass by value)。通过该对象可间接的处理它封装的请求,类似于boost 中的function功能。本实现采用的是《Modern C++ Design》中的方案。更详尽的说,它具有以下特点:
1. 可封装任何处理请求,它可接受函数指针,成员函数指针,仿函数,甚至其它泛化仿函数。
2. 具备型别安全性,不会将错误的型别匹配到错误的函数上。
3. 是一种带有“value语义的对象”。
1. C风格的函数(C like function): void fun();
2. C风格的函数指针(C like pointto function): void (*pFun)();
3. 函数引用(reference to function),其行为本质上和const pointer to function类似。
4. 仿函数(functor),类中自定义了operator () 的对象。
5. Operator.*和operator->*的施行结果
6. 构造函数
二:HTTypeListtemplate <class T, class U>
struct HTTypeList
typedef T Head;
typedef U Tail;
typedef HTTypeList<char, HTTypeList<int, int> >
class HTNullType {};
#define TYPELIST_1(T1) UTIL::HTTypeList<T1, UTIL::HTNullType> #define TYPELIST_2(T1, T2) UTIL::HTTypeList<T1, TYPELIST_1(T2) > #define TYPELIST_3(T1, T2, T3) UTIL::HTTypeList<T1, TYPELIST_2(T2, T3) > #define TYPELIST_4(T1, T2, T3, T4) UTIL::HTTypeList<T1, TYPELIST_3(T2, T3, T4) >
可用于“编译期根据型别作判断”的泛型技术。大家也可参看boost中的type traits。
// 判断T及U是否标示同一个类型 template <typename T, typename U> struct HTIsSameType { private: template<typename> struct In { enum { value = false }; }; template<> struct In<T> { enum { value = true }; }; public: enum { value = In<U>::value }; };
// 依flag选择两个类型中的一个,true为T,false为U template <bool flag, typename T, typename U> struct HTSelect { private: template<bool> struct In { typedef T Result; }; template<> struct In<false> { typedef U Result; }; public: typedef typename In<flag>::Result Result; };
// 编译期bool型 typedef char HTYes; struct HTNo { char padding[8]; }; // 型别映射为型别,用于模板函数的偏特化,C++标准模板函数不能偏特化 template <typename T> struct HTType2Type { typedef T Type; }; // 判断T是否为类 template <typename T> struct HTIsClass { // U为类的话,会具现化此重载函数,因为参数为函数指针,即指向成员的函数指针 template <typename U> static HTYes IsClassTest(void(U::*)(void)); // U为非类,会具现化此重载函数 // C++标准:只有当其它所有的重载版本都不能匹配时,具有任意参数列表的重载版本才会被匹配 template <typename U> static HTNo IsClassTest(...); // 对于sizeof,表达式不会被真正求值,编译器只推导出表达式的返回结果的型别,因此只需函数的声明即可 static const bool value = sizeof(IsClassTest<T>(0)) = sizeof(HTYes); }; // 判断T是否为引用类型 template <typename T> struct HTIsReference { template <typename U> static HTYes IsReference(HTType2Type<U&>); template <typename U> static HTNo IsReference(...); static const bool value= sizeof(IsReference(HTType2Type<T>())) == sizeof(HTYes); }; template <typename T> class HTTypeTraits { public: enum { isVoid = HTIsSameType<T, void>::value || HTIsSameType<T, const void>::value || HTIsSameType<T, volatile void>::value || HTIsSameType<T, const volatile void>::value }; enum { isReference = HTIsReference<T>::value }; private: template<bool IsRef> struct AdjReference { template<typename U> struct In { typedef U const & Result; }; }; template<> struct AdjReference<true> { template<typename U> struct In { typedef U Result; }; }; typedef typename AdjReference<isReference || isVoid>:: template In<T>::Result AdjType; // 正确的选择函数参数的类型 // 对于精巧型(有构造函数和析构函数额外调用)采用引用传参数,对于纯量型(数值型别,枚举型别,指针,指向成员的指针)采用直接传值 typedef typename HTSelect<HTIsClass<T>::value, AdjType, T>::Result ParmType; };
// Functor对象明显是个小对象,这里采用小对象分配器 // 使用了Command模式及IMPL模式 template <typename R> struct HTFunctorImplBase : public HTSmallObject<> { typedef R ResultType; typedef HTEmptyType Parm1; typedef HTEmptyType Parm2; }; template <typename R, class TList, class ObjClass> struct HTFunctorImpl; // 无参数版本 template <typename R, class ObjClass> struct HTFunctorImpl<R, HTNullType, ObjClass> : public HTFunctorImplBase<R> { typedef R ResultType; virtual ResultType operator()(ObjClass* pObj) = 0; virtual HTFunctorImpl* Clone() const = 0; virtual ~HTFunctorImpl() {} }; // 一个参数版本 template <typename R, typename P1, class ObjClass> struct HTFunctorImpl<R, TYPELIST_1(P1), ObjClass> : public HTFunctorImplBase<R> { typedef R ResultType; typedef typename HTTypeTraits<P1>::ParmType Parm1; virtual ResultType operator()(Parm1, ObjClass* pObj) = 0; virtual HTFunctorImpl* Clone() const = 0; virtual ~HTFunctorImpl() {} }; // 两个参数版本 template <typename R, typename P1, typename P2, class ObjClass> struct HTFunctorImpl<R, TYPELIST_2(P1, P2), ObjClass> : public HTFunctorImplBase<R> { typedef R ResultType; typedef typename HTTypeTraits<P1>::ParmType Parm1; typedef typename HTTypeTraits<P2>::ParmType Parm2; virtual ResultType operator()(Parm1, Parm2, ObjClass* pObj) = 0; virtual HTFunctorImpl* Clone() const = 0; virtual ~HTFunctorImpl() {} }; // 可调用体(即封装的处理函数)为仿函数 template <class ParentFunctor, typename Fun, class ObjClass> class HTFunctorHandler : public HTFunctorImpl < typename ParentFunctor::ResultType, typename ParentFunctor::ParmList, ObjClass > { typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl Base; public: typedef typename Base::ResultType ResultType; typedef typename Base::Parm1 Parm1; typedef typename Base::Parm1 Parm2; HTFunctorHandler(const Fun& fun) : m_fun(fun) {} HTFunctorHandler* Clone() const { return new HTFunctorHandler(*this); } ResultType operator()(ObjClass* pObj) { return m_fun(); } ResultType operator()(Parm1 p1, ObjClass* pObj) { return m_fun(p1); } ResultType operator()(Parm1 p1, Parm2 p2, ObjClass* pObj) { return m_fun(p1, p2); } private: Fun m_fun; }; // 可调用体(即封装的处理函数)为类成员函数,调用需传递对象指针 template <class ParentFunctor, typename Fun, class ObjClass> class HTMemFunHandler : public HTFunctorImpl < typename ParentFunctor::ResultType, typename ParentFunctor::ParmList, ObjClass > { typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl Base; public: typedef typename Base::ResultType ResultType; typedef typename Base::Parm1 Parm1; typedef typename Base::Parm1 Parm2; HTMemFunHandler(const Fun& fun) : m_fun(fun) {} HTMemFunHandler* Clone() const { return new HTMemFunHandler(*this); } ResultType operator()(ObjClass* pObj) { return (pObj->*m_fun)(); } ResultType operator()(Parm1 p1, ObjClass* pObj) { return (pObj->*m_fun)(p1); } ResultType operator()(Parm1 p1, Parm2 p2, ObjClass* pObj) { return (pObj->*m_fun)(p1, p2); } private: Fun m_fun; }; // HTFunctor实现体 template <typename R, class TList = YKNullType, class ObjClass = YKEmptyType> class HTFunctor { typedef HTFunctorImpl<R, TList, ObjClass> Impl; public: typedef R ResultType; typedef TList ParmList; typedef typename Impl::Parm1 Parm1; typedef typename Impl::Parm2 Parm2; HTFunctor() : m_spImpl() {} HTFunctor(const HTFunctor& rhs) : m_spImpl(rhs.m_spImpl->Clone()) {} explicit HTFunctor(std::auto_ptr<Impl> spImpl) : m_spImpl(spImpl) {} HTFunctor& operator=(const HTFunctor& rhs) { HTFunctor copy(rhs); Impl* p = m_spImpl.release(); m_spImpl.reset(copy.m_spImpl.release()); copy.m_spImpl.reset(p); return *this; } template <typename Fun> HTFunctor(Fun fun) : m_spImpl(new HTSelect< HTIsSameType<ObjClass, HTEmptyType>::value, HTFunctorHandler<HTFunctor, Fun, ObjClass>, HTMemFunHandler<HTFunctor, Fun, ObjClass> >::Result(fun)) {} ResultType operator()(ObjClass* pObj = HT_NULL) { return (*m_spImpl)(pObj); } ResultType operator()(Parm1 p1, ObjClass* pObj = HT_NULL) { return (*m_spImpl)(p1, pObj); } ResultType operator()(Parm1 p1, Parm2 p2, ObjClass* pObj = HT_NULL) { return (*m_spImpl)(p1, p2, pObj); } private: std::auto_ptr<Impl> m_spImpl; };