#include "stdafx.h" #include "matrixOperation.h" #include <omp.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { const int size=5000; double **a,**b,**c; a=new double*[size]; b=new double*[size]; c=new double*[size]; for(int i=0;i<size;++i) { a[i]=new double[size]; b[i]=new double[size]; c[i]=new double[size]; } cout<<"mem set"<<endl; //read file cout<<readMatrix("matrix",a,size)<<endl; cout<<readMatrix("matrix",b,size)<<endl; cout<<compareMatrix(a,b,size)<<endl; //for more cache hits //transposition b and place data needed in one cache block matrixTransposition(b,size); cout<<"data prepared"<<endl<<"calculating"<<endl; long start=time(0); // omp_set_nested(true); #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(16) schedule(dynamic) for(int i=0;i<size;++i) { // #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(i) num_threads(4) for(int j=0;j<size;++j) { c[i][j]=0; for(int k=0;k<size;++k) { c[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[j][k];//different from the original formulation } } cout<<"."; } long end=time(0); cout<<end-start<<" seconds"<<endl; writeMatrix("out",c,size); for(int i=0;i<size;++i) { delete[] a[i]; delete[] b[i]; delete[] c[i]; } delete[] a; delete[] b; delete[] c; cin>>start; return 0; }
i7 2600处理器,5000*5000的矩阵相乘上面的参数效果较好,纯计算时间在126秒左右。
作者:pouloghost 发表于2013-4-1 15:47:29 原文链接
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