Strings Versus Characters
The string constant "x" is not the same as the character constant'x'. One difference is that 'x' is a basic type (char), but"x" is a derived type, an array of char. A second difference is that"x" really consists of two characters, 'x' and '\0', the null character (seeFigure 4.3).
Figure 4.3. The character 'x' and the string "x".
The strlen() Function
The previous chapter unleashed the sizeof operator, which gives the size of things in bytes. Thestrlen() function gives the length of a string in characters. Because it takes one byte to hold one character, you might suppose that both would give the same result when applied to a string, but they don't. Add a few lines to the example, as shown in Listing 4.3, and see why.
Listing 4.3. The praise2.c Program
/* praise2.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* provides strlen() prototype */ #define PRAISE "What a super marvelous name!" int main(void) { char name[40]; printf("What's your name?\n"); scanf("%s", name); printf("Hello, %s. %s\n", name, PRAISE); printf("Your name of %d letters occupies %d memory cells.\n", strlen(name), sizeof name); printf("The phrase of praise has %d letters ", strlen(PRAISE)); printf("and occupies %d memory cells.\n", sizeof PRAISE); return 0; }
If you are using a pre-ANSI C compiler, you might have to remove the following line:
#include <string.h>
The string.h file contains function prototypes for several string-related functions, includingstrlen(). Chapter 11, "Character Strings and String Functions," discusses this header file more fully. (By the way, some pre-ANSI Unix systems usestrings.h instead of string.h to contain declarations for string functions.)
More generally, C divides the C function library into families of related functions and provides a header file for each family. For example,printf() and scanf() belong to a family of standard input and output functions and use thestdio.h header file. The strlen() function joins several other string-related functions, such as functions to copy strings and to search through strings, in a family served by thestring.h header.
Notice that Listing 4.3 uses two methods to handle longprintf() statements. The first method spreads one printf() statement over two lines. (You can break a line between arguments toprintf() but not in the middle of a string—that is, not between the quotation marks.) The second method uses twoprintf() statements to print just one line. The newline character (\n) appears only in the second statement. Running the program could produce the following interchange:
What's your name?
Morgan Buttercup
Hello, Morgan. What a super marvelous name!
Your name of 6 letters occupies 40 memory cells.
The phrase of praise has 28 letters and occupies 29 memory cells.
See what happens. The array name has 40 memory cells, and that is what thesizeof operator reports. Only the first six cells are needed to hold Morgan, however, and that is what strlen() reports. The seventh cell in the arrayname contains the null character, and its presence tells strlen() when to stop counting.Figure 4.4 illustrates this concept.
Figure 4.4. The strlen() function knows when to stop.
When you get to PRAISE, you find that strlen() again gives you the exact number of characters (including spaces and punctuation) in the string. Thesizeof operator gives you a number one larger because it also counts the invisible null character used to end the string. You didn't tell the computer how much memory to set aside to store the phrase. It had to count the number of characters between the double quotes itself.
One other point: The preceding chapter used sizeof with parentheses, but this example doesn't. Whether you use parentheses depends on whether you want the size of a type or the size of a particular quantity. Parentheses are required for types but are optional for particular quantities. That is, you would use sizeof(char) or sizeof(float) but can use sizeof name or sizeof 6.28. However, it is all right to use parentheses in these cases, too, as insizeof (6.28).
The last example used strlen() and sizeof for the rather trivial purpose of satisfying a user's potential curiosity. Actually, however,strlen() and sizeof are important programming tools. For example,strlen() is useful in all sorts of character-string programs, as you'll see inChapter 11.
Let's move on to the #define statement.
图4.3 字符‘x’和字符串“x“
上章提到了sizeof运算符,它能够以字节为单位给出数据的长度。strlen()函数则以字符为单位给出了字符串的长度。因为每个字符占用一个字节,所以你可能会认为两个函数对同一个字符串所给出的结果是一样的。但事实并非如此。像Listing 4.3一样,在示例程序里面加上几行看看为什么会这样。
Listing 4.3.程序praise2.c
/* praise2.c*/
#include<string.h> /*提供strlen()原型*/
#definePRAISE "What a super marvelous name!"
char name[40];
printf("What's your name?\n");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("Hello, %s. %s\n", name,PRAISE);
printf("Your name of %d lettersoccupies %d memory cells.\n",
strlen(name), sizeof name);
printf("The phrase of praise has %dletters ",
printf("and occupies %d memorycells.\n", sizeof PRAISE);
return 0;
如果你使用ANSI C之前的编译器,你可能要删除下面这行:
string.h文件包含了一些与字符串有关的函数的原型,包括strlen()。第11章的“字符串与字符串函数“更加全面讨论了这个头文件。(顺便一提,一些ANSI C之前的unix系统使用头文件strings.h而不是string.h来包含字符串函数的声明。)
What's yourname?
Hello,Morgan. What a super marvelous name!
Your name of6 letters occupies 40 memory cells.
The phraseof praise has 28 letters and occupies 29 memory cells.
图4.4 strlen()函数知道什么时候停止计算
另一点是:之前的章节使用了带有圆括号的sizeof,但本例却没有。是否使用圆括号取决于你要获取一个类型的大小还是具体量的大小。圆括号对于类型是必须的, 而对于具体量则是可选择的。这意味着你可以使用sizeof(char)或者sizeof(float),但也可以使用sizeof name或者sizeof 6.28。但是,在一些情况下使用圆括号会更好,比如说sizeof (6.28)。