1、我们习惯的内存分配和释放是由 new 和delete来实现的,其内部细节是分步进行的,两部分:
new : 分配空间-->调用构造函数 delete: 调用析构函数--> 释放空间
而STL Allocator为了细化分工,分别对应上面的两部分
分配空间: alloc:allocator() 释放空间:alloc:deallocate()
对象构造: 用::construct() 对象析构:用::destroy()
2、construct() 中两个参数:指针p和value。
inline void construct(T1* p, const T2 &value)
new (p) T1(value) ;
3、C++的内存配置基本操作是::operator new 释放基本操作是::operator delete。
4、C++ new handler机制是,你可以要求系统在内存配置需求无法满足时候,调用一个自己制定的函数。
换句话说,就是一旦::operator new无法完成任务时,在丢出 std::bad_alloc 异常状态之前,会先调用由客户端制定的处理例程。该例程通常被称为new-handler。
set_new_handler (new_handler new_p)执行自己定义的例程new_p
#ifndef _MYALLOCATOR_H_ #define _MYALLOCATOR_H_ #include <new> //for placement new #include <cstddef> //for ptrdiff_t, size_t #include <cstdlib> //for exit #include <climits> //for UINT_MAX #include <iostream> //for cerr namespace jmy { template<class T> inline T* _allocate(ptrdiff_t size, T*) { set_new_handler(0); T* tmp = (T*)(::operator new((size_t)(size * sizeof(T)))); if (tmp == 0) { cerr << "out of memory" << endl; } return tmp; } template<class T> inline void _deallocate(T* buffer) { //operator delete must be coupled with operator new ::operator delete(buffer); } template<class T1, class T2> inline void _construct(T1* buffer, const T2& value) { //placement new invoke the constructor of T1 new(buffer) T1(value); } template<class T> inline void _destroy(T* ptr) { ptr->~T(); } template<class T> class allocator { public: typedef T value_type; typedef T* pointer; typedef const T* const_pointer; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; //rebind allocator of type U template<class U> struct rebind { typedef allocator<U> other; }; pointer allocate(size_type n, const void* hint = 0) { return _allocate((difference_type)n, (pointer)0); } void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) { _deallocate(p); } void construct(pointer p, const T& value) { _construct(p,value); } void destroy(pointer p) { _destroy(p); } pointer address(reference x){ return (pointer)&x;} const_pointer const_address(const_reference x) { return (const_pointer)&x; } size_type max_size() const { return size_type(UINT_MAX/sizeof(T)); } }; }// end of namespace jmy #endif
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