Given two (dictionary) words as Strings, determine if they are isomorphic.Two words are called isomorphic if the letters in one word can be remapped to get the second word.
Remapping a letter means replacing all occurrences of it with another letter while the ordering of the letters remains unchanged.
No two letters may map to the same letter, but a letter may map to itself.
given "foo", "app"; returns true we can map f -> a and o->p
given "bar", "foo"; returns false we can't map both 'a' and 'r' to 'o'
given "ab", "ca"; returns true we can map 'a' -> 'b' and 'c' -> 'a'
public static boolean check(String s,String t){ if(s.length()!=t.length()) return false; HashMap<Character,Character> map1=new HashMap<Character, Character>(); HashMap<Character,Character> map2=new HashMap<Character, Character>(); for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ char c1=s.charAt(i); char c2=t.charAt(i); if(map1.containsKey(c1)){ if(map1.get(c1)!=c2) return false; } if(map2.containsKey(c2)){ if(map2.get(c2)!=c1) return false; } map1.put(c1, c2); map2.put(c2, c1); } return true; }
作者:hellobinfeng 发表于2013-12-14 0:33:05 原文链接
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